Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is it a good idea to buy a 2/2 bed/bath condo with view of Balboa Park in downtown SD now or buy later?

A condo in downtown San Diego is possibly a good investment if you find one at the right price and plan to live in it your self for several years. Under ANY other cirstances than I have just described, a condo in downtown San Diego is currently one of the WORST investments you could choose. The only other investment I can think of any worse right now than condo's in San Diego would be for you to invest in ANYONE on the verge of bankruptcy in an effort to save them. People on the verge of bankruptcy about to lose their homes don't need another loan. They most likely bought more house than they can afford under ANY cirstances and will unfortunately have to pay the consequences by losing what they cannot pay for with any loan that does not become a gift.

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