Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ohemmgeee. pleasehelpmeee.?

soo there's a boy. i like him so much still. we've been dating unofficially on and off for like four months. we have patches where we're not together, but we always come back to eachother. it's just that whenever we're not together he does stupid stuff with random (icky) girls. and i don't understand it. he is very attractive. he could get with all kinds of girls. and then he apologizes and makes all these excuses for why he did it. we're going to be at the same party tomorrow night.. should i talk to him? make him jealous? ignore him? what should i do? we haven't talked in a week and a half or so, but i miss him. i always catch him staring at me. i just want him to come to me. i still like him, but i dont want to get screwed over and have to deal with his crap all the time. ugh, help please. much appreciated.

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