Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you realize whats going on in Copenhagen?

Not one word about methods or technology or anything else that can be truly done to make the air or water cleaner. Every word coming out of copenhagen is about how its all capitalisms fault and that capitalism must be stopped a.k.a. THE UNITED STATES- How the rich country's need to hand over billions and billions of dollars a.k.a.-THE UNITED STATES- and thats it.. All copenhagen is , is a collection of socialists, communists, dictaters, that are desperate to see the decline of The United States and get there hands on our money at the same time . Thats it and it is so obvious its pathetic. The people who really care about the enviornment have had there concern hijacked by theses scam artist...GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX. PERIOD. JUST BACK IN 1975 THEY WERE WARNING US ABOUT THE DOOMSDAY OF A COMING ICE AGE. CAN'T YOU GLOBAL WARMING ,GULLABLE STOOGES SEE YOU HAVE BEEN HAD. GLOBAL WARMING IS QUICKLY GOING TO THE ASH HEAP OF HISTORY BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE IN OUR COUNTRY ARE REALIZING ITS A FRAUD PERPETRATED ON OUR COUNTRY..THANK GOD THAT THE TRUTH ALWAYS PREVAILS.

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